Hello guys. I’m Josephine. This was me on my birthday in June 2019. This is my story. For 22 years, I’ve worked for tech companies in regional and global business development roles. I ran a $30m P&L, managed teams of people, lived in the UK, got stuck in Paris with no luggage, couldn’t get home from Sydney, learnt the decorum working in Brunei... life was great! For the last few years of it though, been feeling restless. Midlife crisis 🙀🤪 Aug 2019. My god (dog) daughter nearly died from kidney and liver failure. She was 14 - but we refused to give up. Started months of hospitalization and twice daily vet visits. I needed a distraction. For some weird reason, I started to bake in Oct 2019. I’ve never baked in my life so searched the internet for recipes. THERE ARE NO GOOD LOW CALORIE RECIPES!! Well then. Can I do it? Can I create really low-calorie cupcakes and frosting? By Dec 2019 - I’ve got it. I’ve developed these secret proprietary recipes. Low calories. Perf...