
The Good Cupcakes Company

Hello guys. I’m Josephine. This was me on my birthday in June 2019. This is my story. ⁣ For 22 years, I’ve worked for tech companies in regional and global business development roles. I ran a $30m P&L, managed teams of people, lived in the UK, got stuck in Paris with no luggage, couldn’t get home from Sydney, learnt the decorum working in Brunei... life was great! ⁣ For the last few years of it though, been feeling restless. Midlife crisis 🙀🤪⁣ ⁣ Aug 2019. My god (dog) daughter nearly died from kidney and liver failure. She was 14 - but we refused to give up. Started months of hospitalization and twice daily vet visits. I needed a distraction. For some weird reason, I started to bake in Oct 2019. I’ve never baked in my life so searched the internet for recipes. THERE ARE NO GOOD LOW CALORIE RECIPES!! ⁣ ⁣ Well then. Can I do it? Can I create really low-calorie cupcakes and frosting? ⁣ ⁣ By Dec 2019 - I’ve got it. I’ve developed these secret proprietary recipes. Low calories. Perf...